Timeless Seeds of Advice Quotes by B.B Abdulla

Sii Nurul
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Dah lama tak buat review buku kan. Hari ini aku mahu kongsikan salah satu buku kegemaran aku yang sering kali dibaca setiap kali aku perlukan kata-kata semangat dan motivasi. Antara sebab aku beli buku ini kerana terdapat banyak himpunan kata dan nasihat daripada Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn al-Qayyim, Ibn al-Jawzi dan lain-lain. 

Timeless Seeds of Advice Quotes by B.B Abdulla

  • Tajuk Buku : Timeless Seeds of Advice: The Sayings of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ , Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn al-Qayyim, Ibn al-Jawzi and Other Prominent Scholars in Bringing Comfort and Hope to the Soul

  • Penulis : B.B Abdulla

  • Harga : RM80 (Beli di Shopee Link)

  • Muka Surat : 133


A selection of beautiful and practical pieces of advice from the Quran, the Prophet PBUH and Islam’s great scholars on repentance, guidance and purification. This book is designed to serve as a source of hope and strength for those going through difficult times, while providing numerous important pieces of knowledge and guidance for all readers and all times.

Review Timeless Seeds of Advice by B.B Abdulla

Buku ini aku beli pada tahun lalu dan sampai sekarang belum habis baca lagi. Setiap halaman dalam buku ini sangat bermanfaat dan perlu dihayati setiap bait katanya untuk direnungkan. 

Aku suka sangat dengan isi kandungan buku ini yang sarat dengan koleksi ayat-ayat dan nasihat yang indah untuk mencari tujuan serta yang menjadi Muslim yang lebih baik. Buku ini ditulis dalam bab-bab pendek yang sangat mudah difahami dan mengandungi baris-baris yang indah khasnya kepada mereka yang gemarkan kata-kata puitis. 

Selain itu, setiap halaman juga disertakan rujukan hadis, nasihat, cerita dan ceramah dari perspektif Islam. 

Aku memang suka sangat buku ini walaupun agak mahal. Setiap babnya sangat pendek dan berisi satu nasihat, pesan, atau sesuatu untuk direnungkan. Buku yang tidak perlu dibaca secara kronologi. Aku memang rekomen sesiapa untuk beli buku ini. 

Timeless Seeds of Advice Quotes by B.B Abdulla

1. "My God, and my Lord, who do I have besides You?" (Chap 3, Page 3)

2. “Don’t let your definition of success, failure or self-worth be anything other than your position with Him. And if you do this, you become unbreakable, because your handhold is unbreakable. You become unconquerable because your supporter can never be conquered. And you will never become empty because your source of fulfillment is unending and never diminishes." (Chap 6, Page 8)

3. "He is breaking you to heal you." (Chap 11, Page 14)

4. “Don’t assume bad of Allah, for by Allah, if you obey Him, He will make for you a source of relief and a way out, and if you are alone within your family and society, then Allah will accompany you in your loneliness. And He will strengthen your heart, and make it firm with His guidance.” (Chap 13, Page 17)

5. "Every single success you experience is a combination of two things : your effort and Allah's help. When you do not put in enough effort, Allah does not give His Baraka (Blessing). And sometimes you might put in a lot of effort, but you may not see the result you expected. That, also, is Allah's Baraka." (Chap 15, Page 19)


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